Saturday 23 April 2016


You have a gift in you that God has given to you to carry out your special assignment that He has created you for. Even so, your value and worth do not originate in your assignment. You can only find your worth personally in yourself not in your assignment or in others.
Get busy with the assignment God has for you.
Your gift is not insignificant and it is not inferior to anybody’s own. The devil, your circumstances and acquaintances may have made you to believe you do not have the talent, gift or skills needed to fulfill God’s purpose or that God will never be pleased with the things you can do. My dear, those are lies to keep you from utilizing your gifts to achieve the greatness that God has destined for you. God does have an assignment for you and that is why He has endowed you with all you have. Carrying out the assignment God has for you gives you peace and success, you receive energy, passion and fulfillment. If you refuse to carryout God’s assignment, you will live in frustration with sadness and restlessness as companions.
A wise man once stated that, “We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents. We do not choose our historical epoch, the country of our birth or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing. We do not, most of us, choose to die, nor do we choose the time or condition of our death. But within the realm of choiceless-ness, we do choose how to live; and there is nothing that helps you live a good life than knowing who you are.”

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